【歌詞対訳】”New Order T-Shirt” / The National

“New Order T-Shirt”
How you tapped on a box of blue American Spirits
At Anyway Café a little under a mont ...
【歌詞対訳】”Humiliation” / The National

“Humiliation” (written by Aaron Dessner, Bryce Dessner and Matt Berninger)
I survived the dinner,
【歌詞対訳】”England” / The National

“England” (written by Aaron Dessner and Matt Berninger)
Someone send a runner through the weather
【歌詞対訳】”Runaway” / The National

“Runaway” (written by Aaron Dessner and Matt Berninger)
There’s no saving anything
Now ...
【歌詞対訳】”Eucalyptus” / The National

“Eucalyptus” (written by Bryce Dessner and Matt Berninger)
What about the glass dandelions?
What about th ...
【歌詞対訳】”Ice Machines” / The National

“Ice Machines” (written by Aaron Dessner, Matt Berninger and Carin Besser)
Cartoons from a television
Whi ...
【歌詞対訳】”Smoke Detector” / The National

“Smoke Detector” (written by Aaron Dessner, Bryce Dessner and Matt Berninger)
Smoke detector, smoke ...

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